Thursday, December 31, 2009

Plans Have Changed!

So my next 4 months in Botswana will be much different than I was expecting...I am going to be the internship director!
Kevin and Sarah (the usual directors) are on furlough in the states; they had lined up another couple to take over the internship from January through April, but we just found out this week that due to some health issues, they won't be able to make it.  This is definitely a full-time job and there needs to be one set person in charge, so they couldn't divide the duties up amongst the other missionaries (who are all working 24/7 as it is).  I am thrilled to be able to step in and take over at the last minute.
The internship starts in the middle of January and will go until April 15th- so I guess that's about the time that I am coming back to the states!

There will be 6 women coming out for the internship; the ages range from 20-48.  Please be praying for them as they prepare for the trip out here...and pray for me, too!  I have about 3 weeks to get things lined before they arrive.  There's a lot of work to be done still.

Oh, and on a different topic, many people have been asking about Roger.  He is doing very well in Kuwait; he's staying incredibly busy with work, and in his free time he is doing as much reading as he can.  He is coming out to visit me in Botswana on February 8th and gets to stay for 2 weeks!!  I am planning some fun things for us to do; we'll probably be on site in Maun for a week, and off on some adventures for the other week.  Can't wait!!


  1. Now you won't have to worry about finding a place for you and Roger to stay since you have our house!!!!! Whooh!!!

  2. haha! That was one of my first thoughts :) :)
