Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wish I'd Had My Camera

Yesterday, Dietra and I ended up driving some of the cleaning ladies over to a nearby "neighborhood" to get a key from another staff member.  While we were waiting for the ladies to come back, 2 little children came up to us in the truck.  One boy (age 3) and one girl (age 2).  These kids were so cute.  The boy (I have forgotten his name, so we'll call him Fokasa) was hilarious.  When they approached, we said hello and introduced ourselves.   The boy introduced himself and his little friend, then proceeded to ask "what have you brought me?"
We said, "Sorry, we didn't bring you anything.  We didn't know you were going to be here."  He didn't believe us, so he tried climbing up the truck to see if there was anything in there, but he was too small to make it up to the window.  I opened the door for him to see that there was really nothing in the truck, and when he looked in, he exclaimed "Oh!  There is nothing in here but tools!" and proceeded to pull out all the tools that were under the front seat.  "What's this? What does this do?  Is this a knife?  I can't make this fit.  Fit it for me!"  At one point, I was talking to Dietra and said her name.  Fokasa said "Her name is Teacha?"  "No, her name is Dietra.  It just sounds like teacha," I replied.  "Ha!" he laughed.  "You're funny!"
Anyway, I decided that I will have to go back there again to play with this kid some more, and get a picture of him.  He entertained D and me for a solid 10 minutes.  Too cute.

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