Howdy! I am currently sitting in an air conditioned house, babysitting with the other interns and watching Friends. It's the next best thing to actually having a night off. Turns out that I was overly excited about getting Monday-Wednesday nights off and that doesn't really happen. Tuesdays are babysitting nights every week. Oh well.
Today Brad and I shadowed Jana for her Bible Class. We got to teach two classes, for the equivalent to 7th and 8th graders here. It was actually pretty cool; they have memory verses that they work with for each class, and today's was John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
When we were meeting with Jana before class, she told us that she'd like us to give a personal story of what this verse means to us. Without meaning to, my eyes started watering immediately- Jon was the first thing that came to mind. So, I got to share Jon's story with 2 classes of kids in cool is that? The Lord is good, amen?
After classes were over, I went with Jacob and Pastor Jerry to visit the place Jacob is considering buying. That was fun! I got to play with some dogs that are just like 'the Beast' from Sandlot. They were the sweetest, gentlest dogs, but they are so big that they kept knocking me over! I also fell in love with the cottage, where I would hopefully be staying once they move out, just a heads up, Jacob and Kelly...I have my heart set on it :)
After we came back from there, I had 5 minutes to eat lunch and then we worked on quickly trading our awful, awful washing machine (it's insanely loud, takes 2 1/2 hours to do one load of laundry, and you can only fit about 5 articles of clothing in it) for one from the old boarding house. After that, we ran to have a donor development meeting with Jana, then we finally got a break for the day around 4:30.
At 7pm, we headed over to Kevin and Sarah's to babysit for the kids again while the missionaries have their prayer time. I am definitely ready for a 9pm bedtime...we'll see if it happens.
Tomorrow is going to be AWESOME. I am working with Reception again (the little kids), and we have swimming class (I get to help), then off for our first day of hospital ministry, then we have a digital camera class that one of the missionaries is going to teach :) Should be an exhausting but amazing day. I'll let you know if it turns out that way!
Love to all.
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